Dr. Ing. Iman Valizadeh
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Lehrtätigkeit:
- Multiskalenmethoden in der Computational Mechanics
- Einführung in die Finite-Elemente-Methode
- Tutorial Finite-Elemente-Simulation in der Struktur- und Festkörpermechanik
- Forschungsinteressen:
- Additive Fertigung & 3D-Druck
- Materialcharakterisierung und Parameteridentifikation
- Kontinuumsmechanik
- Materialmodellierung
- Multiskalenmethoden & Homogenisierung
- Biomechanik
- Instabilitätsanalyse
- Numerische Methoden
- A Collection and Comparison of Yield Strength Models and Viscoelastic Analysis in Large Deformation, 2023, Author: M. Newton.
- Finite element implementation of material models for graded, 3D-printed structures, 2022, Author: A. Kohlstetter.
- Experimentelle Untersuchung des Einflusses der Prozessparameter auf die geometrischen Eigenschaften beim Stereolithographie-3D-Druck-Verfahren, 2022, Author: C. Hammes.
- Finite cell implementation of finite deformation hyperelasticity with a parametric material model for the analysis of graded structures, 2022, Author: S. Qian.
- Experimentelle Untersuchung des Einflusses Lichtintensität auf das Energieaufnahmevermögen des Materials beim Stereolithographie-Verfahren, 2021, Author: D. Tiraspolski.
- Experimental characterization of minimum feature sizes in grayscale stereolithography 3D printing, Master project, 2020, Author:W. An.
- Experimental investigation of the influence of process parameters on the material properties in the stereolithography 3D printing method, 2020, Author: N. Hogen.
- XVII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
Barcelona, Spain, September 5-7, 2023. - International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
Boston, USA, August 20-23, 2023. - The Fourth International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing
Munich, Germany, July 26-28, 2023. - 93rd GAMM Annual Meeting
Dresden, Germany, August 30-2 June, 2023. - 4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing Conference
Virtual, September 1-2, 2022. - 92nd GAMM Annual Meeting
Aachen, Germany, August 15-19, 2022. - 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics & 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics
Yokohama, Japan, July 31 – August 5, 2022. - 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 18),
Oxford, United Kingdom, April 4-6, 2022 - VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC 2021),
Valencia, Spain, July 7-9, 2021 (Virtual) - 91st GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2020@2021),
Kassel, Germany, March 15-19, 2021 (Virtual)
- Graduate School Annual Retreat , Grasellenbach
Germany, May 9-10, 2023. - International Conference on Programmable Materials
Berlin, Germany, July 12-14, 2022. - Graduate School Annual Retreat, Grasellenbach
Germany, May 2-3, 2022.
- Best Presentation Award, 4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing Conference 2022.

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