The Departmental Council is the most important body, it makes official decisions and has a legislative function. All other committees, task forces, etc. work with the Departmental Council . The Departmental Council is chaired by the Dean and comprises 11 professors, 3 WiMis, 5 students and 2 ATMs.
Protocols of the Departmental Council Meetings (only in german)
The members of the Departmental Council are elected in the summer semester of odd-numbered years for a term of two years. There are three positions to be filled. Only WiMis who have a contract (not necessarily a state position) with the state of Hesse have active and passive voting rights. Scholarship holders (doctoral students) etc. are officially represented by the student council. Nevertheless, all non-eligible voters are also invited to contact the WiMi representatives on the Departmental Council with any problems or questions.
All committees apart from the Departmental Council are filled by joint agreement in the WiMi circle. If you are interested in joining one of the working groups, please contact one of the WiMis on the Departmental Council.