
Tutorial Computational Fluid Dynamics

The tutorial is an applied extension to the lecture about computational fluid dynamics. Theoretical knowledge is used and improved by working on a self-determined problem. The tutorial introduces the commercial CFD software StarCCM+. The students will compute the same given project in small teams.

The tutorial is an applied extension to the lecture about computational fluid dynamics. Theoretical knowledge is used and improved by working on a self-determined problem. The tutorial introduces the commercial CFD software StarCCM+. The students will compute the same given project in small teams.

The tutorial is based on the lecture computational fluid dynamics. This lecture should have already been attended or be attended at the same time.


Tutorial name Computational Fluid Dynamics
Term winter term
Responsible assistant Dr. M. Shojaee
M. Edelbluth, M.Sc.
Dates throughout the complete winter term, consultation hours tuesdays and thursdays from 16:00h
Start The introductory session will take place in building S4|10 room 1 (Dolivostraße 15) on Thursday, 24.10.2024 at 16:00h. Participation in the introductory event is mandatory.
Credit points 4
Maximum number of participants 18
Further information and material Participation in the introductory event is mandatory.

The work will be performed in teams of two students.

The tutorial will take place as a combination of digital and in-person sessions throughout the winter semester. Theory units and consultation hours will be held on site in our PC pool (S4|10 room 6, Dolivostraße 15) while Moodle will be used to provide additional teaching materials and resources, including video recordungs.

All participants can access a computer in our PC pool via a remote desktop connection. The connection is necessary to be able to work on the tasks of the tutorial.

Registration will take place in the introductory event according to the information on the procedure. A self-selected simulation project with STARCCM+ will be carried out, documented and presented. In case of registration of more participants than available places, a selection will be made on the basis of the abstract to be prepared for the project.
Related lecture Computational Fluid Dynamics
Registration Information about the registration will be announced during the introductory event.
streamlines within a technical component
streamlines within a technical component