Optimierung der Wärmeleitung in paraffinbasierten Dehnstoffaktoren
Optimization of heat conduction in paraffin-based expansion actuators
Advanced Research Project (ARP), Masterthesis, Research Assistant, Bachelorthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)
Paraffin-based expansion actuators form the basis of a new, sustainable class of actuators that can be used as robust, adaptive actuators for the targeted application of high forces (up to 100 kN). The actuators consist of two deep-drawn cups, which are filled with a kerosene core and then joined by laser welding. Heat from the environment can be used for activation, e.g. process waste heat. However, the high heat capacity combined with the low thermal conductivity of kerosene leads to sluggish actuator behavior. An actuator-integrated structure made of copper offers the potential to significantly increase the dynamics of the actuators. The structures are manufactured by means of galvanic thick-film metallization of additively manufactured polymer carrier structures with copper. The resulting structure has a very high metal content, whereby the process results in material gradation from the outside to the inside. As part of this interdisciplinary work with the pmd, the aim is to investigate how such structures must be designed in order to maximize actuator dynamics. Depending on interest, the focus can be on experimental or numerical aspects, for example. This can be discussed in a personal meeting.
Research method
Experimental, analytical, constructive, numerical