Entwicklung einer dynamischen Ansteuerung für paraffinbasierte Dehnstoffaktoren
Integration of an electric heater in paraffin-based expansion actuators
Advanced Research Project (ARP), Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)
Paraffin-based expansion actuators form the basis of a new, sustainable class of actuators that can be used as robust, adaptive actuators for the targeted application of high forces (up to 100 kN). The actuators consist of two deep-drawn cups, which are filled with a kerosene core and then joined by laser welding. Heat from the environment can be used for activation, e.g. process waste heat. The high heat capacity combined with the low thermal conductivity of kerosene leads to sluggish actuator behavior. For targeted and dynamic control of the actuators, a controllable heat supply is required; due to the power density, an electric heater is ideal for this purpose. The use of integrated heating elements results in problematic cable feed-throughs. If the steel housing is used as a resistive heating element, these weak points could be eliminated. The aim of this work is to investigate the conditions under which the housing of a DSA can be used as an integrated heating element. The focal points can be agreed in a personal meeting.
Research method
Experimental, analytical, constructive