KI-basierte Auslegung von Rollformprozessen

AI-based design of roll forming processes

Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)

Roll forming is a continuous cold forming process that is characterised by high resource efficiency and productivity due to its high process speeds and up to 100% material utilisation. In order to obtain roll-formed products of high quality while keeping costs and set-up time to a minimum, it is essential that the roll-forming tools and the process route are well designed. Currently, this is often still experience-based and iterative. Despite commercially available design software and FE simulations, the design of roll forming processes is still time-consuming and places high demands on the user's expertise.

The aim of this project is to design profile flowers of roll forming processes that describe the production route using AI algorithms. The following activities are to be carried out for this purpose:

  • Generate training data
  • Training of various AI algorithms
  • Analysing the performance of the various algorithms

Research method
