Numerisch simulierte Temperaturentwicklung eines mehrstufigen Umformprozesses

Numerically simulated temperature development of a multi-stage forming process

Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis

In multi-stage cold forming for the production of complex sheet metal components, the components and tools heat up to temperatures of 100 °C with the high-strength materials used today and at high strains. For this reason, actively cooled tool parts and now also additively manufactured tools with internal cooling channels are increasingly being used. To gain a deeper understanding of the interactions in the process and to predict hot spots on the tool, a thermally coupled simulation model of the first forming stage was developed.

The aim of this work is to simulate the temperature development of the subsequent forming stages and to localize the heat input on the basis of the first stage. The following work packages are to be processed.

  • Familiarization with the simulation software
  • Modeling of the subsequent stages
  • Temperature development and localization of the heat inputs
  • Compilation in a scientific paper

The exact contents can be adjusted in a personal conversation.

Research method

Theoretical, numerical