Untersuchung des Spannungszustandes im Flansch zur Faltenvorhersage beim Tiefziehen von Papier

Investigation of the stress state in the flange for wrinkle prediction during deep drawing of paper

Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)

Paper packaging produced by the deep-drawing process can be used as a substitute for plastic-based packaging. Due to the low flowability, the formation of wrinkles is particularly significant and is investigated at the PtU using a transparent tool. Within the scope of the work, the basis of an analytical model for the description of visible wrinkling is to be created. The aim is to be able to deduce the location of the wrinkles from the analytically described stress state that arises in the material as a result of the deep-drawing process.

To this end, the following work packages are to be processed, which can best be discussed and, if necessary, adapted in a personal meeting:

  • Familiarization with the state of the art on stability problems
  • Test planning and execution to determine critical compressive stresses
  • Analytical estimation of effective compressive stresses in the flange area
  • Estimation of expected wrinkle occurrence locations for homogeneous and inhomogeneous material
  • Comparison with experimentally determined wrinkle pattern

Also approved for aerospace engineering.

Research method

Theoretical, experimental, constructive