Analyse und Optimierung der Stabilisierung von tiefgezogenen Papierprodukten durch vorspannen
Analysis and optimisation of the stabilisation of deep drawn paper products by prestressing
Masterthesis, Research Assistant, Bachelorthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)
Fibre materials already play a major role in the packaging industry. Process optimisation is expected to further increase demand.
As part of the ADP or the thesis, paper is prestressed in different ways and then analysed in terms of the degree of deformation and stability achieved. Optimisations with regard to the size and location of the pre-stressed area and the degree of pre-stressing are investigated by the student.
The following work packages can be part of the work. The specific task is developed in a joint discussion:
- Familiarization with the state of the art in fiber-reinforced materials and forming processes
- Design and use of a tool for the forming process
- Numerical Simulation of the forming Step
- Development of a methodology for testing the dispersion after forming
- Adjustment and optimization of the forming process
- Experimental and numerical comparison of the results
Research method
Experimental, constructive