Experimentelle Validierung eines FE-Simulationsmodells für das Spaltprofilieren

Experimental validation of an FE simulation model for linear flow splitting

Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis

Lightweight construction is playing an increasingly important role in many areas of industry due to the scarcity of resources and environmental protection. Lightweight profiles with high strength and relatively low weight can be produced using innovative linear flow splitting. These split profiles can be used, for example, in vehicle construction as side members for light commercial vehicles. FEM is a powerful tool for designing processes in a cost and time-saving manner. However, this requires a sufficiently high modeling accuracy of the processes in the simulation.

In this thesis, an existing FE simulation model is to be validated and, if necessary, optimized on the new automated linear flow splitting line.

The main work packages of the thesis are:

  • Familiarization with the existing FE model for linear flow splitting
  • Experimental validation of the FE model
  • Optimization of the FE model

The exact work packages of the task can be discussed and adapted in a personal meeting.

Also approved for aerospace engineering.

Research method

Numerical, experimental