Entwicklung eines Modelversuchs zur Validierung ermittelter Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten in der Blechumformung

Development of a model test to validate determined heat transfer coefficients in sheet metal forming

Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis

The finite element method (FEM) is indispensable for process and tool design in industry. One example is press hardening, in which a hot sheet is placed in a cold mould and cools down during forming. The simulations save costs and resources, but their accuracy depends crucially on the model structure and parameters, in particular the heat transfer coefficient, which describes temperature distributions. Experimental values vary greatly and validated data is still lacking. The result are considerable deviations between simulation and reality. The aim of this work is to develop experiments that will make it possible to validate the heat transfer coefficient for the first time. The work packages to be carried out are as follows:

  • Familiarization with the state of the art
  • Commissioning of the existing IHTC test rig
  • Development and realization of the validation tests
  • Documentation of the results

The exact task can be customized.

Also approved for aerospace engineering.

Research method

Theoretical, experimental, constructive