Entwicklung und Validierung einer FE-Simulation in der Tribologie der Kaltmassivumformung
Development and validation of a FE-simulation in the tribology of cold forging
Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis
In forming technology, knowledge of specific variables in the contact (e.g. the contact temperature) is of great importance. Due to the limited accessibility of the contact, measurement is often not possible. In this case, finite element simulations must be used.
As part of this thesis, an FE simulation of a simple friction test (bottom right image) is to be set up and validated (compared with experiments). For this purpose, the industrially widespread and particularly user-friendly software ‘Simufact Forming’ in combination with the programming language ‘Python’ will be used. Previous knowledge is not required. Familiarisation is possible within the thesis.
The following work packages can be part of the thesis. The specific task will be developed in a joint discussion:
- Introduction to the tribology (theory of friction) of cold forging, Simufact Forming and Python
- Development and automation of an FE simulation
- Validation of the simulation by comparison with real tests
Research method
Experimental, numerical