PLCM students win awards at the IDEEA Symposium in Brasov


Five students from the Product Life Cycle Management (PLCM) department at the Technical University of Darmstadt have successfully participated in an international student group project organised by the International Design and Engineering Education Association (IDEEA). During the summer semester, they worked on a task in international groups – consisting of students from Europe, Asia and America – using the design thinking method to develop innovative concepts for urban e-mobility charging solutions.

At the IDEEA forum in Brasov, where the results were presented, the teams involving students from Darmstadt impressed the jury with their innovative approaches and outstanding teamwork, resulting in a total of two awards per group. In the categories ‘Best Innovation’ and ‘Best Engineering’, the groups took second and third place respectively. The department would like to congratulate Louis C., Martin K., Nick K., Robert K. and Timo S. on this great achievement!