Dr.-Ing. Tim Giese
work +49 6151 16-21842
fax +49 6151 16-21793
L1|01 3
Jovanka-Bontschits-Straße 7
Tim Giese studied Mechanical and Process Engineering (MPE) at Technische Universität Darmstadt until October 2018. In addition to that, he participated in the Dual-Degree-Bachelor program between Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA and TU Darmstadt and received the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from both universities. In his master thesis Mr. Giese developed an evaluation method for a potential application of voice control, gesture control and eye tracking on the future flight deck.
In June 2019 Mr. Giese joined the Department of Computer Integrated Design (DiK) as a research assistant.
From June 2019 to March 2022, Mr. Giese worked in the training center “Information Processing in Mechanical Engineering” and supervised the lecture “Information and Communication Technology in Mechanical Engineering” and the associated exercise “Programming Languages and Techniques”. In the lecture, among other things, the mastery of the mathematical and technical basics of EDP as well as the ability to develop data structures and algorithms are covered, which are deepened in the exercise by using the MATLAB calculation system as well as the Python programming language.
Since March 2022, Mr. Giese has been in charge of the tutorial “CAD Freeform” in the master's program. The goal of the tutorial is, in addition to an introduction to the 3D CAD system Siemens, in particular the teaching of advanced methods in the field of freeform surfaces such as the basics of curve and surface generation, surface processing, surface and curve analysis and the linking of surface models with solid models.
Plattform dataPro – Plattform datengetreibene Produktion
The goal of the project Plattform dataPro is to establish a digital and physical environment, unique in Germany, for the knowledge transfer of research results and development trends in the future field of data-driven production. In Plattform dataPro, research results that currently exist in the form of individual solutions and industrial best-practice developments are dovetailed into a continuous process chain and merged into an open digital platform based on industry standards. Based on the production of a customized product on standard industrial manufacturing machines, visitors and workshop participants will be able to efficiently experience innovations in data-driven production based on the triad of service, platform and process in a form established at PTW and DiK.
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