MechCenter L1|01 80 – 90 Otto-Berndt-Straße 2 64287 Darmstadt
The MechCenter of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is available to all registered students for questions concerning their studies. to MechCenter
Praktikantenamt L1|01 125 Otto-Berndt-Straße 2 64287 Darmstadt
In the Internship Office of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, in addition to the currently applicable internship regulations, you will find a lot of important information and documents that will support you in successfully completing your industrial internship. to Praktikantenamt
Fachschaft Maschinenbau S1|03 200a Hochschulstr. 1 64289 Darmstadt
Students meet regularly in the “Fachschaft Maschinenbau” to actively help shape and further develop the study of mechanical engineering by participating in the university's committees and bodies. to Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Studierendensekretariat S1|01 im karo5 am Campus Innenstadt
The Student Secretariat of the TU Darmstadt organizes, among other things, registration and admission, exmatriculation and leave of absence as well as re-registration and fee calculation for all departments. to Studierendensekretariat