Location: L402/201 and Live-Stream
Time: Mondays, 11:40 bis 13:10 Uhr
Semester: Summer Semester
Start of the lecture: 15.04.2024
End of the lecture: 15.07.2022
1. Examination date: to be announced
2. Examination date: to be announced
Allowed materials for the examination: none
This course focuses on product data management, with an emphasis on its importance and the associated functions.
The course begins with an in-depth look at the principles and methods of technical process organization. On this basis, basic technologies as well as fundamental methods and processes of product data management are then taught.
Particular attention is paid to the organizational requirements for the effective use of product data management systems (PDM systems). Students are introduced to the topic and gain an insight into the structures and processes required for the successful use of PDM systems.
In addition, the lecture provides a comprehensive overview of the architecture of PDM systems, examining the underlying database technologies in detail.
In order to convey the theoretical concepts in a practical way, concrete application examples are also presented using real existing PDM systems.
Overall, the course offers a comprehensive introduction to product data management and its diverse aspects, from organizational requirements to technological basics and specific applications.
The course Virtuelle Produktentwicklung B: Produktdatenmanagement (ViP-B) will be held as a hybrid course in SoSe 2024. The lecture will be digitally transmitted and supplemented by additional digital materials such as demonstrations and exercises.
The course will start in week 16 (from April 15, 2024) and will take place on the weekdays and times specified in the schedule (see TUCaN). The available room details for the individual dates in TUCaN represent the original attendance planning and will be replaced by online teaching if necessary.
The technical access to the online teaching takes place via Moodle. Here, you will also find the link to the online broadcast before the lecture. You were automatically registered for the ViP-B Moodle course when you registered in TUCaN. If you have any problems with the Moodle course, please contact the supervising research assistant at vipb@plcm.tu-darmstadt.de. You will then receive all further information via Moodle.
Learning Targets:
- Understanding of principles and methods of technical process organisation within the product creation.
- Understanding the importance of product data manangement systems
- Knowledge about basic technologies of product data management systems
- Understanding of organisational requirements
- Knowledge about the architecture of product data management systems