Process chain

The CAD/CAM process chain master tutorial is run jointly with the PTW department. The aim is to teach CAD basics such as individual part and assembly modeling as well as technical product documentation and CAM basics such as the selection of tool data, technology data, etc.

Location: L1|10
Time: From 08:30 am until 05:30 pm
Semester: Summer Semester 2025
Start: 01. September 2025
End: 12. September 2025
Registration date: from April 1st until April 30th through an e-mail towards the responsible , please register only after confirmation in TuCan.

Goal of the tutorial CAD-/CAM-process chain at Process Learning Factory CiP is next to the introduction of the manufacturing-module of NX the communication of basics, methods and techniques for the generation of NC-control data in particular.

The tutorial includes an introduction of techniques of CAM, like the selection of technology data, strategies, tools etc.

The event takes place in cooperation with the department PTW.

Registration: TUCAN and at the responsible

Note: The number of participants is limited due to the available hardware.