Double Degree
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Allgemeine Informationen

Die Technische Universität Darmstadt und die Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) arbeiten seit einigen Jahren eng zusammen. Dies betrifft sowohl den Forschungsbereich als auch die Ausbildung von Studierenden. Auch im Fachbereich Maschinenbau ist diese Partnerschaft seit jeher einer der wichtigen Pfeiler des Internationalen Austausches. Der Double Degree im Master setzt nun diese erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit fort.


Das erste Jahr des Masterstudiums absolvieren die Studierenden der TU Darmstadt an ihrer Heimatuniversität und wechseln zum 3. Fachsemester des Masters an die Virginia Tech, um dort weitere Kurse zu besuchen und anschließend ihre Masterthesis zu schreiben. Die Betreuung der Masterthesis erfolgt gemeinschaftlich, so dass neben einem Professor der Virginia Tech auch immer ein Professor der TU Darmstadt die Co-Betreuung übernimmt.


Empfohlen wird eine Bewerbung im dritten, spätestens im fünften Bachelor-Semester, so dass der Auslandsaufenthalt zum dritten Master-Semester erfolgt.

Folgende Anforderungen werden an die Teilnehmer des Programms gestellt:

  • Überdurchschnittliche Studienleistungen
  • Außeruniversitäres Engagement und soziale Kompetenz
  • Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
  • Bereitschaft, am Ende des Programms einen Abschlussbericht über die gesammelten Erfahrungen anzufertigen
  • Ausrichtung des Master-Studienplans auf Kompatibilität mit den Anforderungen des Doppel-Masters

Fördermöglichkeiten & Kosten

Für Studierende der TU Darmstadt stellt die Virginia Tech für das Studium in Blacksburg zwei sogenannte Graduate Assistantsships zur Verfügung. Diese bezahlten Anstellungen in der Forschung decken die Studiengebühren der VT ab und bieten eine Unterstützung bei den Krankenversicherungsbeiträge. Sie verlängern den Aufenthalt an der Virginia Tech üblicherweise um ein Semester.

Ohne Graduate Assistantsships betragen die Studiengebühren ca. 15.000$ je Semester.

Davon unabhängig entstehen noch Lebenshaltungskosten von 8.000 – 15.000$ im Jahr, natürlich abhängig von persönlichen Interessen und Vorlieben sowie Aktivitäten und Reisen. Hier bietet sich z.B. das DAAD-Jahresstipendium an.


Folgende Bewerbungsunterlagen sind beim MechCenter des Fachbereichs Maschinenbaus einzureichen:

  • Online-Bewerbungsformular des Referats für Internationale Beziehungen und Mobilität
  • Motivationsschreiben mit kurzer Darstellung des Studienvorhabens im Ausland
  • Dein aktueller Leistungsspiegel (ein selbstausgedruckter Web-Notenspiegel ist ausreichend!) + Nachweis Industriepraktikum
  • Kopie des Abiturzeugnisses
  • Tabellarischer Lebenslauf
  • Sprachnachweise (ggf. Abiturzeugnis; muss nicht beglaubigt sein)

Wichtiger Hinweis:

Eine Auswahlkommission im Fachbereich Maschinenbau prüft die Eignung der Bewerberin / des Bewerbers in einem Auswahlgespräch Anfang Dezember des Berwerbungsjahres. Wird die Bewerberin / der Bewerber für das Double Degree-Programm nominiert, muss sie / er sich im darauffolgenden Jahr (bereits Anfang Januar, Bewerbungsfrist ist der 05.01.) an der Virginia Tech bewerben. Dann sind auch alle Sprachnachweise vorzulegen.

Die Virginia Tech und die Stadt Blacksburg

Die 1872 gegründete Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, kurz Virginia Tech ist eine der führenden Hochschulen in den USA mit ca. 34.000 Studierenden. Sie liegt in der Stadt Blacksburg im Bundesstaat Virginia im Osten der USA.

Mehr Informationen zur Stadt Blacksburg sind unter folgenden Links zu finden:

Studieren an der Virginia Tech

Submit your VT application online at

The application period for starting in the fall is from October 1st to January 5th, and for starting in the spring is from June 1st to September 1st.

Yes, these scores are required. The department's target GRE scores are Verbal: 150, Quantitative: 165, and Analytical: 4.5. The minimum language requirement is a TOEFL score of 105 or an IELTS grade of 7.0.

A double degree programme at VT is an unique opportunity to explore the culture, education, faculty expertise, facilities, hands on learning, and laboratories that VT has to offer.

Yes, all international students are required to have health insurance. Please direct all inquiries to the Student Medical Insurance office located at the Student Services Building by phone: 540-231-6226 or email: .

Contact the Graduate Student Immigration Services office in the Cranwell International Center by phone: +1-540-231-6527 or email: .

No, it is not required. There are many great housing options off-campus that are conveniently located near VT, so you can get the most of your experience living in Blacksburg. Please visit Virginia Tech Off-Campus Housing for more information.

Blacksburg Transit provides free public transportation to VT students along its routes making the community, shops, restaurants, and various amenities easily accessible. The Megabus is a commercial bus company located in Christiansburg (neighboring town) that offers departures to cities nearby, such as Washington, DC and Knoxville, Tennessee.

Students are encouraged to join clubs and student organizations of varying interests and can find various opportunities to do so at:

VT has one of the most active intramural sport programmes offering recreational and competitive leagues, as well as club sports and the opportunity to attend varsity sporting events.

After you have been selected for the double degree by VT, please visit the online application system.

Please read the information for the application carefully.

For the coming winter semester, apply by April 30th.

For the coming summer semester, apply by November 30th.

If you grew up in an English speaking country or you obtained a first degree with English as the language of instruction, you do not need to provide scored of the TOEFL/IELTS. The GRE is not a required test at German universities.

Please note that some courses of the degree are offered in German. In order to have the full choice of courses, you would need a language proficiency level comparable to B2 (Upper Intermediate).

Knowing some German will also help you dive into the host culture and take part into the student life in Darmstadt. It is not a prerequisite for the application.

You can start with learning German at the VT German department. Please contact the responsible advisor.

Starting your German classes online, is also a possibility with the German Language course – STEM offered by TUDa as an Online-Blended-Learning Opportunity.

Following your arrival in Darmstadt, you can join the courses offered at the Language Resource Centre. It offers intensive language classes before the start of the semester. The language courses are part of the semester fee and do not need to be paid extra. Courses are offered at all levels and with a focus on STEM. During the semester, German courses are also offered and can be taken as part of the semester workload.

Getting two degrees opens up opportunities in two promising job markets for you. Graduates with two degrees are sought after and tend to get leading positions at earlier stages of their career. In the program with TUDa, you live and learn in the thriving Rhine-Main-Area, become familiar with the German culture and language. You study at and graduate from a TU9 University which is a consortium of the Top 9 Technical Universities in Germany. Furthermore, this programme gives you another perspective on your research field.

Yes, you do. A health insurance approved by the German health care system is required. This insurance covers all medical fields, from regular check-ups to emergencies. Students are guaranteed special rates. Please visit this website for more details:

Virginia Tech also requires you to take an international insurance while studying abroad. Please contact the Global Education Office for more information.

To start your stay at TUDa you may require a visa to enter Germany. Please take a look at the German Embassy website, who are responsible for visa issues. A visa navigator helps you to find out which requirement applies for. Some foreign nationals may be part of a visa waiver program.

All foreign nationals have to apply for a residence permit after they arrive in Germany. The TUDa International Student Service (ISS) will help you with these questions and further assist you in all non-academic questions. Make sure to check their information page before starting your trip to Darmstadt.

As many German universities, TU Darmstadt is not a campus university. Instead, the university is spread all over the old and new town of Darmstadt. Thus, the university is very much integrated into the city.

Furthermore, TUDa does not own or run student dormitories. However, TUDa cooperates closely with the Studierendenwerk Darmstadt, which offers affordable housing for students. To find a suitable accommodation, please contact the ISS. They will be able to assist with accommodation for exchange students, either with the Studierendenwerk or private accommodation.

With your Student ID, you can use the local public transport for free. As the public transportation system is good, as is the case in most German cities, you do not need a car; a bike is the more common vehicle for students to get around. You can find more details on the website of the International Student Services (ISS): Semester ticket.

Public transport in the State of Hesse.

TU Darmstadt and the City of Darmstadt provide a broad variety of indoor and outdoor activities as well as sports. Most of them are free for students. For more information, check the website of the International Student Services.

General information about costs for studying in Germany can be found on the Website of the German Academic Exchange Service (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet).

Depending on your accommodation and personal requirements, estimated living expenses in Darmstadt range from 700 to 900€ per months. An overview on the costs of living can be found on the website.


TU Darmstadt:
Fachbereich Maschinenbau – MechCenter:
Sebastian Keller M.A.

Fachbereich Maschinenbau –
Programmverantwortlicher Professor:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Hardt

Referat Internationale Beziehungen und Mobilität:
Julia Fitzthum, M.A.

Virginia Tech:
Department of Mechanical Engineering:
Cathy Hill, Graduate Coordinator

Cranwell International Center:

College of Engineering,
Office of Global Engineering, Engagement and Research: