Testability und Testing von H2-Antriebssystemen bzw. -komponenten

Alternative climate-friendly propulsion systems such as modern gas turbine concepts with hydrogen and E-Fuels are needed to implement the climate targets of the German government. A prerequisite for successful introduction is an experimental proof of feasibility at the component level in test facilities adapted for this purpose (e.g., hydrogen supply). This is the starting point for the TeTeAnt-H2 network – after implementation of the necessary test bench adaptations, the first component tests of new propulsion systems are to be carried out on the adapted test bench.

For long haul and larger passenger aircraft (thrust 15-40 klb), a combination of H2 (for airport and take-off/landing)with E-Fuels is necessary, as the necessary amount of H2 cannot be transported. Furthermore, this approach allows H2combustion to be introduced when H2 infrastructure is not yet globally available. In order to quickly introduce hydrogen as a fuel in aircraft engines, future combustors should be able to use both hydrogen and liquid fuels (E-Fuels). Such dual-fuel combustors will allow seamless transition between fuels during the deployment of H2 infrastructure at airports. Further, H2 is suitable for short- and medium-haul routes, while E-Fuels will continue to be needed for long-haul routes. In order to achieve stable and low-emission operation of H2 and E-Fuels in dual fuel combustors, design and optimization with numerical CFD methods is an essential development tool. Compared to today, the core engine will be 20 % smaller, for which the necessary technology will be developed taking into account the operation with fuels with increased water content. For the combustor, a staged fuel system and a volume-reduced NOx optimized combustor will be developed for operation with both H2 and E-Fuel. The high-pressure turbine will be adapted to these new conditions accordingly. Fundamental turbine rig tests will be performed for validation of new approaches in turbine concept development, contributing to the objective of a coupled optimization of combustor and turbine (based on findings in Prestige and regarding the scope of PERseuS ).

The institute STFS contributes to the research by modeling and simulation of turbulent dual fuel combustion. For a predictive simulation, the currently employed CFD combustion models will be extended to allow for hydrogen combustion (based on the findings in WotAn ). The combustion models will be evaluated and further developed for a combined H2/E-Fuel combustion. The models will be implemented into the Rolls-Royce CFD framework PRECISE-UNS. The numerical simulations will be validated with measurement data provided by the German Aerospace Center for Propulsion Technology (DLR-AT).

The institute GLR investigates the effects of varying turbine inlet conditions due to novel H2/E-Fuel combustion concepts on the high pressure turbine. The Large Scale Turbine Rig, a representative, scaled 1,5-stage high pressure turbine test rig, is modified to systematically vary the turbulent intensity at the combustor-turbine-interface. Experimental data is acquired to analyzes the migration of turbulence and its impact on secondary flow mechanisms throughout the research turbine. An affection on the heat load of the turbine is derived from these measurements. The phenomenological investigations of varying turbulence levels allow the derivation of design guidelines based on experiments and provide a data base for the development and optimization of numerical design tools under consideration of combustor turbulence..


CFD solver:The implementation and coupling of the models will be included in the Rolls-Royce in-house CFD solver PRECISE-UNS, where Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) are used to describe the gas phase flow and combustion processes in the combustion chamber. The flamelet-based hydrogen models will be extended to dual-fuel technology.

Large-Scale Turbine Rig:The LSTR (opens in new tab) operated at the GLR is further developed to enable investigations on combustor turbulence effects in turbine research. Experimental methods will be further improved and implemented for the characterization of turbulent flow features.

Key Scientific Takeaways

  • Further developed flamelet models for the simulation of dual-fual combustion for any mixing characteristic.
  • Full coupling and implementation of the model into the flow solver PRECISE-UNS.
  • Validation of the models using measurement data of a low TRL configuration.
  • Further development of the LSTR toward hydrogen combustion systems.
  • Phenomenological investigations of the effects of varying combustor turbine turbulence intensities throughout the turbine.
  • Construction of an experimental data base for validation of numerical approaches.

Related Projects

WotAn (opens in new tab) (2021 – 2025)

Funding and cooperation

TeTeAnt-H2 is a joint research program in the frame of LuFo VI, Call 3. It is financially supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) under grant number 20M2237E.