Successful ICCE conference in Darmstadt


In the beginning of October, CE@TUDa successfully oraganized the ICCE conference, which was a great occasion to bid farewell to Prof. Michael Schäfer for his retirement!

Prof. Michael Schäfer introducing the invited speaker and HPC pioneer Prof. David Keyes

As the Graduate School and the Profile Topic of Computational Engineering at TU Darmstadt, we had the pleasure to organize the 5th International Conference on Computational Engineering (ICCE 2024) in Darmstadt on September 30–October 2, 2024.

It was not only a fruitful scientific event with invited speakers David Keyes (KAUST), Joris Degroote (Ghent), Somdatta Goswami (Johns Hopkins), and Angelika Humbert (AWI), but also a great opportunity to bid farewell to Michael Schäfer as founding father of CE for his retirement!

The CPS group showed a strong presence at the conference with contributions by Juan C. Alzate Cobo, Yusuf Elbadry, M.Sc., Jonas Fey, Maximilian Kannapinn, Dominik K. Klein, Fabian Roth, Felix Rutsch, Mohammad shojaee, and Oliver Weeger.

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