News at CPS
Nonlinear electro-elastic finite element analysis with neural network constitutive models
In our recent work, we demonstrate the applicability of neural network constitutive models for complex electro-elastic finite element analysis.
Tutors wanted for Numerical Simulation Methods (NSM) in summer term 2025
Physics-augmented ML for modeling nonlinear 3D beams
In our latest publication, we develop physics-augmented neural networks for material modeling of 3D beams that exhibit nonlinear, hyperelastic material behavior. So far either only linear elastic materials could be considered, or computationally involving FE²-type approaches had to be used.
New publication on material modeling of flexible-tough polymer blends
GAMM AG Data Workshop 2025 at TU Darmstadt
The annual workshop of the GAMM activity group “Data-driven modeling and numerical simulation of microstructured materials” (AG Data) will take place on February 11 & 12, 2025 at TU Darmstadt.
Successful ICCE conference in Darmstadt
In the beginning of October, CE@TUDa successfully oraganized the ICCE conference, which was a great occasion to bid farewell to Prof. Michael Schäfer for his retirement!
Multiscale modeling for FFF 3D printed G-Polymers
New article on multiscale modeling of FFF 3D printed G-polymers and composites published!
Physics-augmented neural networks for thermoelasticity
In our latest publication, we extended the formulation of physics-augmented neural networks for constitutive modeling of thermo-hyperelastic materials.
How many data sets does it take to accurately train a surrogate model?
The answer can be found in the latest publication of our PostDoc Maximilian Kannapinn – it's just two!
Time to say goodbye!
We are happy to share the work accomplished by our interns Kushal Agarwal and Yajur Agarwal, who both just completed their interships supported by the DAAD WISE scholarship.
CPS @ Engineer Your Future Day
Yesterday, our colleagues Jasper Schommartz and Juan Camilo Alzate Cobo proudly represented our group at the “Engineer Your Future Day” of the Mechanical Engineering Department.
New publication on rate-dependent energy dissipation of graded viscoelastic structures
Congratulations to our first Ph.D. graduate Dr. Iman Valizadeh for his publication “Rate-dependent energy dissipation of graded viscoelastic structures fabricated by grayscale vat photopolymerization” in Smart Materials and Structures!
DYNAmore Preis für die Masterarbeit von Felix Rutsch
Successful Ph.D. defense of Iman Valizadeh
Yesterday, CPS celebrated a significant milestone with our first Ph.D. defense! Congratulations to Iman Valizadeh for this remarkable achievement!
Parameterized material models with physics-augmented neural networks
In our recently published article, we extend physics-augmented neural networks for hyperelastic material modeling to parameteric dependencies.
EFFoST “Student of the Year Award” for Maximilian Kannapinn
Multiscale modeling of functionally graded shell lattice metamaterials
In our latest publication, an experimentally validated multiscale modeling framework for additively manufactured shell lattice structures with graded parameters is introduced.
Picture: Jan-Christoph HartungPicture: Jan-Christoph Hartung
Courses offered in winter term 2023-2024
The CPS institute is again offering the master's lecture “Introduction to the Finite Element Method” and the tutorial “Machine Learning in Solid Mechanics” in the winter semester 2023/2024. We also recommend the lecture “Applied Structural Optimization” by Prof. Harzheim.
Advanced discretization techniques for hyperelastic neural networks
In our latest work, advanced spatial and temporal discretization techniques are tailored to hyperelastic material models based on physics-augmented neural networks.
LOEWE exploration project for targeted cell differentiation using optimally graded micro lattice structures
Within the joint project “CellDistinct” in the “LOEWE Exploration” funding programme, Prof. Blaeser (IDD/BMT) and Prof. Weeger (CPS) will research the mechanobiological foundations of stem cell differentiation.
Michael Wiesheu awarded with ECMI prize
Our former master student Michael Wiesheu received the Hansjörg Wacker Memorial Prize 2023 of the ECMI for the best mathematical mater thesis on an industrial project – Congratulations Michael!
Influence of process parameters on material properties in MSLA 3D printing
Congratulations to our doctoral researcher Iman Valizadeh for the publication of his latest article in the Additive Manufacturing journal
Bio-inspired design of ultra-compliant lattice structures
In a collaboration with Prof. Dhruv Bhate from Arizona State University, the Venus’ flower basket sea sponge’s exoskeleton served as an inspiration for the design of ultra-compliant 3D printed lattices.
Optimal magnet assemblies for magnetocaloric cooling
What do optimal magnet assemblies look like for the most efficient magnetocaloric cooling systems? We try to answer this question in a recent publication using isogeometric optimization!
Image-based isogeometric twins of lattice structures
In a recent collaboration with colleagues from INSA Toulouse, we have developed a virtual image correlation method for the generation of image-based isogeometric twins of lattice structures with varying cross-section beams.