Lightweight Construction using Additive Manufacturing

AddLight final project meeting @AMC


At the TU Darmstadt – Additive Manufacturing Center we had the final project meeting for the “AddLight” project. In the consortium of

we reviewed our results and we are excited to make a large contribution to increasing the use of additive manufacturing in lightweight construction with our research project. The project concentrated on process-structure property relationships with a focus on fatigue strength analysis for the automotive industry of topology-optimized and lattice structures.

We express our gratitude to Project Management Juelich (PtJ) (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) for recognizing the valuable impact of our project and for supporting our endeavors through funding in the Technology Transfer Program Lightweight Construction.

Dr. mont. Carola Hahn, Marinus Kolbinger, Florian Funcke, Marius Hofmann, Jan Orend, Michael Härtel, Kris Rudolph, Philipp van der Loos, Koushyar Komeilizadeh und Holger Merschroth

Ihr Kontakt am PTW

Jana Harbig M.Sc.