ADP IDEEA – Final presentation
At this year's IDEEA Annual Forum in the form of a digital event, about 150 representatives from industry and science as well as students took the opportunity of a scientific dialogue.
IDEEA – International Design and Engineering Education Association – is an international organization of universities and companies whose goal is to promote education and research with regard to the challenges of future technologies in the areas of mobility as well as product development and Industry 4.0. At the IDEEA Annual Forum about 150 representatives from industry and science as well as students took the opportunity for a scientific dialogue. A special highlight were the presentations of the concepts as a result of the international “Design Thinking” study project, which was conducted in international cooperation with 15 universities from North and South America, Europe and Asia. In geographically distributed teams, the students on the four continents with many different time zones used methods of distributed working to go through the phases “Research – Definition – Ideation – Making – Testing”. As a result of the international cooperation, each project team presented its variant of a modular drone developed for a specific category to an international jury from industry and science. The team I9 of Fran Sandra Schary, B.Sc. and Hannes Krug, B.Sc. of the TU Darmstadt together with students of the Hongik University in South Korea under the direction of Mr. Georg Staudter, M.Sc. and Mr. Johannes Olbort, M.Sc. developed a drone for use in the agricultural sector and pollination of crops respectively and delivered a convincing performance.
The department congratulates on winning a total of four of the seven prizes which are as follows:
- Best Engineering
- Best Production Readiness
- Best Collaboration
- Best Product Award (Erster Platz des Gesamtwettbewerbes)