Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Anderl
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Anderl earned his diploma in mechanical engineering in 1979 and his Dr.-Ing. degree in mechanical engineering in 1984, both at the Universität (TH) Karlsruhe. From 1984 to 1985 he served as technical manager of a medium-sized company. He received his academic habilitation in 1991 and the venia legendi in 1992, and accepted the call for the professorship for computer integrated design (Fachgebiet Datenverarbeitung in der Konstruktion, DiK) at the faculty of mechanical engineering at the Technische Universität Darmstadt in 1993. He was dean of the Mechanical Engineering Department from 1999 until 2001 when the bachelor's and master's programs were implemented. From 2005 until 2010 he was serving as Vice-President of TU Darmstadt.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anderl is a member of the Zentrale Evaluierungs- und Akkreditierungsagentur (ZEvA, en.: Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency), a national accreditation agency and PACE manager of Technische Universität Darmstadt (Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education). He was adjunct professor at Viginia Tech, USA, and is visiting professor at UNIMEP, Piracicaba, Brazil. He is a full member of the wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Produktentwicklung e.V. (WiGeP, en.: scientific society for product development) and of the Deutschen Akademie für Technikwissenschaften (acatech, en.: national academy of science and engineering). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anderl is also chairman of the scientific advisory board of “Plattform Industrie 4.0”. Since 2017 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anderl is President of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anderl has authored and co-authored more than 300 publications, including two monographs and eight co-authored books.
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