Benjamin Röhm M. Sc.


work +49 6151 16-21848
fax +49 6151 16-21793

Work L1|01 4
Otto-Berndt-Str. 2
64287 Darmstadt

Benjamin Röhm studied Mechanical and Process Engineering (MPE) at Technische Universität Darmstadt until February 2018 and achieved the Master of Science degree. In his master's thesis he determined it´s relevant parameters of a hybrid production process from additive manufacturing and machining production process.

Since June 2018 he is employed as a research associate at the Department of Computer Integrated Design (DiK).

Since 2018 he is responsible for the lecture and tutorial of “Basics of CAE/CAD”. he lecture „Grundlagen des CAE / CAD“ (Basics of CAE/CAD) contains a basic introduction in product data technology, computer aided design and its process chains.

Topics: CAD/FEM, CAD/MKS, CAD/CFD, Virtual Product Design

Mittelstand 4.0 – Kompetenzzentrum Darmstadt

Since June 2018 Mr. Röhm works on the MiT4.0 – Competence Center Darmstadt for Small and Medium Enterprises. MiT4.0 with its learning factories at the TU Darmstadt provides small and medium sized enterprises a central platform for knowledge transfer and training modules. During the workshops, company representatives are directly informed about the potentials and challenges for the digitalization of their business processes. In addition, there are eight implementation projects offered for selected individual companies and numerous Industrie 4.0 research projects.

Under the umbrella of the MiT4.0, small and medium sized enterprises are offered following support:

• Initial information about digital transformation, e.g. by demonstrators or by showing existing solutions

• Training courses in the fields of action: “Efficient value-added process”, “Work & Labor 4.0”, “New business models”, “Energy management”, and “IT security”.

• IHK certificate course “Train the Trainer 4.0” for business consultants, trainers in commerce chambers and associations

• E-learning programs, workgroups, and conferences

Through diverse events and further training formats more than 3.000 people from company representatives, consultants, as well as labor union members should be reached during the project term.

Topics: Industry 4.0, IoT, Digitalization, Platfomisation, CAx-Processchain, Businessmodels

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