Baugruppenunabhängige automatisierte Montagepfadplanung für Robotik
Assembly group-independent automated assembly path planning for robotics
Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)
A method for the automated creation of assembly instructions is intended to increase efficiency in small series assembly. By utilising synergies between different products and identifying connecting elements using CAD models, reusable programme modules are developed. The method will be implemented and tested on a real robot arm.
Supervisor: Justus Rein, M. Sc.
Bauteilunabhängiges 3D bin picking
Component independent 3D bin picking
Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)
A universal model for gripping and orientating components using 3D point clouds is intended to drive innovation in robotics. As part of the thesis, the current state of the art for component-independent object recognition is analysed and various solution concepts for component-independent bin picking are developed. One of the concepts will be validated on a real demonstrator.
Supervisor: Justus Rein, M. Sc.
Methodenentwicklung zur frühzeitigen Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung im Produktlebenszyklus: LCA einer Lederalternative im Entwicklungsstadium
Method development for early sustainability assessment in the product life cycle: LCA of a leather alternative in the development stage
Revoltech is a young start-up at TU Darmstadt that develops sustainable leather alternatives. In order to substantiate the sustainability of one of their products, MATTR, with facts and figures, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is now to be carried out. The scientific challenge here is dealing with missing data on a product in the development stage and formulating sustainability requirements.
Supervisor: Niklas Quernheim, M. Sc.
Bachelorthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP)
In order to develop more sustainable products, new strategies must be developed to anchor sustainability requirements in product development. The aim of this project is to further develop a product while taking new sustainability requirements into account. To do this, a life cycle assessment of the predecessor product must be carried out. Ultimately, a more sustainable product iteration is to be developed.
Supervisor: Niklas Quernheim, M. Sc.
Cyber-physical systems offer great advantages in terms of efficiency and quality in production. However, one problem is the detection of manual, analog interventions in digital production systems, as these are often not recorded automatically. Using the example of a nozzle in the FFF process, a methodical approach to this problem is to be developed.
Supervisors: Jan Osterod, M. Sc., Adrian Reuther, M. Sc.
Automated Generation of Mounting Points in Car Body Design
Automated Generation of Mounting Points in Car Body Design
The aim of this work is to enable the automated consideration of life cycle assessment in the optimisation of design process.
Supervisor: Daniele Jung, M. Sc.