Location: L4|02 – 202 (HMZ Lichtwiese)
Time: Wednesdays, from 17:10 until 18:40
Start: 17. October 2018
Learning Targets
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Explain all terms of 3D-Printing and Additive Manufacturing.
- Follow through with a systematic comparison of alternative production methods.
- Analyze the influence of the materials on the quality of products.
- Explain the design demands of 3D-parts.
- Distinguish important aspects of CAD models and voxel models.
- Show and discuss the potentials of Additive Manufacturing.
The following lectures will be offered:
- Einführung
- Prozesskette zur additiven Fertigung
- Design Rules zur additiven Fertigung
- Extrusionsverfahren und Stereolithografie
- Selektives Lasersintern
- Werkstoffe zur additiven Fertigung
- Modellierung und Simulation des Selektiven Laserschmelzens
- Bauteilfestigkeit
- Anwendungen im Flugzeugbau
- Anwendungen im Motorsport
- Funktionsintegration
- Praxisberichte
- Multi Color Printing
- Markt und Trends