HiWi (m/f/d) wanted for additive manufacturing


A relevant problem in additive manufacturing is the dimensional accuracy of the components produced, or deviations of the manufactured component from the target geometry from the CAD system. These are particularly important for assembly-free components, as they are crucial for the functional fulfillment of the components. In order to investigate the deviations, we are currently looking for a HiWi to print various test components with varying production parameters and then compare the produced parts with the target geometry using a 3D scanner.

A relevant problem in additive manufacturing is the dimensional accuracy of the components produced, or deviations of the manufactured component from the target geometry from the CAD system. These are particularly important for assembly-free components, as they are crucial for the functional fulfillment of the components. In order to investigate the deviations, we are currently looking for a HiWi to print various test components with varying production parameters and then compare the produced parts with the target geometry using a 3D scanner.

The following topics are relevant here:

  • Additive manufacturing in the FFF/FLM process
  • 3D scanning
  • CAD systems
  • Programming activities