Johannes Olbort M.Sc.


Johannes Olbort studied at Technische Universität Darmstadt until March 2017 and achived the Master of Science degree. In his master`s thesis he developed a Data Model for the integration of Non-Geometric Product Information and 3D Product Models. Since April 2017 he has been employed as a research associate at the Department of Computer Integrated Design (DiK).

Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Since April 2017 Mr. Olbort works at the departments training center Informationsverarbeitung im Maschinenbau (IiM) as a team member of the 3D-CAD training group. As such he manages the course Computer Aided Design, which is part of the curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Process Engineering. In this course first year students are taught the use of 3D-CAD-system Siemens NX as well as the PDM-system Teamcenter.

Global Collaborative Engineering

Mr. Staudter and Mr. Olbort supervised this annual, student project since 2017. Its main task, in international cooperation with the Universities of Virginia Tech (USA), Howard University (USA), ITESM Monterrey (Mexico) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), using fundamental methods of collaborative engineering, is to develop a product in international teams in the context of the Automotive industry. The aim of the international cooperation is a market-specific adaptation of the prototype Electronic Networked-Vehicle 2.0 (EN-V) from General Motors. For this purpose, the customer requirements of the various consumer markets are researched and analyzed and design modifications of the EN-V corresponding to the requirements are developed.

CAD-/CAM-process chain at Process Learning Factory CiP

Since 2018 Mr. Olbort is responsible for the tutorial “CAD-/CAM-process chain at Process Learning Factory CiP” offered to students of the Master Mechanical and Process Engineering. The tutorial includes an introduction of techniques of CAM, like the selection of technology data, strategies, tools etc.


ProSTEP iViP is an association that provides pioneering solutions and standards for product data management and virtual product development. In cooperation with science and research the interests of manufacturers and suppliers in the manufacturing industry as well as of IT vendors are exchanged, so that more efficient processes, methods and systems are developed.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Anderl is an honorary member of the ProSTEP iViP Association.
Mr. Olbort represents the department at the technical steering committee and JT workflow forum.

JT Open

TU Darmstadt is a member of the JT Open Program since 2003. JT Open is a globally operating community of different stakeholders, like industrial enterprises, software vendors, users and universities. Main objective is the provision of 3D product data through the entire product life cycle based on an open and standardized data format, resulting in an open distribution of JT technology. Besides the cooperation in various work groups and surveys, the Department of Computer Integrated Design has released several publications for the application of JT in engineering processes and business areas. Current research focuses on JT as AR/VR process format and Collaborative Engineering based on JT models.

Industrie 4.0 and Webtechnologies

A further research field of Mr. Olbort is Industry 4.0 and the associated use of Web technologies. Together with Mr. Steinmetz he redeveloped the DiK Industry 4.0 App, which is a demonstrator for the production of tomorrow. The central element of the DiK Industrie 4.0 App is the automated identification of components, which then enables the readout of further component-related information.

1. Design of a Process Chain to Transfer 3D CAD Models into the Mixed Reality of Microsoft HoloLens (Bachelor Thesis, 12/2017)

2. Concept of use case specific system modeling in mechatronic product development (Master Thesis, 01/2018)

3. Design of an Assistance for the Computer Aided Design using Machine Learning (Bachelor Thesis, 05/2018)

1. Analysis, Testing and Programming of Game-Engines in order to transfer 3D CAD Models into the Mixed Reality of Microsoft HoloLens (ADP, 01/2018)

2. Machine Learning in Virtual Product Development (ARP, 03/2018)

3. Blockchain in Industry 4.0 (ARP, 03/2018)

4. XR in Product Creation (ARP, 04/2018)

5. Porting of an Android Dashboard app into a secure web app (ADP, 05/2018)

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