Plenary Talk by TU Darmstadt Research Fellow Jeff Bergthorson

2023/10/04 by

On Sept. 28, 2023, Jeff Bergthorson from McGill University gave an inspiring plenary talk on metal combustion at the German Flame Days (co-organized by the German Section of The Combustion Institute) at Technische Universität Berlin.

This was a perfect opportunity to present him with his appointment as a Research Fellow of the Technische Universität Darmstadt. Jeff will be working intensively with us in Clean Circles over the next 2 years to advance our vision of a metal-based circular energy economy.

In his plenary lecture, he impressively demonstrated the scientific challenges of iron combustion in air and aluminum oxidation in water. Together, we want to use high-resolution experiments and simulations in the next few years to describe the processes across scales – from the ignition of a single particle to turbulent flames with millions of particles. Furthermore, he showed how important techno-economic considerations are as well. This is an essential element of Clean Circles, where we also conduct socio-economic analyses, see for example our recent open-access paper comparing iron and hydrogen as energy carriers.

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