Hydrogen week in Toulouse: towards high pressure experiments and simulations
2024/03/12 by STFS

We are pleased to share insights from our recent participation in the Hydrogen Week event (February 27th to 29th, 2024), jointly organized by Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT), in collaboration with CERFACS and KAUST. With a collective of 150 attendees worldwide, comprising both physical presence at IMFT and virtual engagement via Zoom, the event served as a platform for expertise-sharing and in-depth discussions on challenges as well as novel experimental and CFD methods for hydrogen-air flames, which could drive to a greener future of aviation.
27.02: A formation on hydrogen combustion was given by experts on the matter
28.02: The CAW-H2-CFD workshop undertaken for the CLEAN AVIATION program of the EU was held. During the event, the CFD computations performed by 13 combustion groups the IMFT HYLON swirled hydrogen-air flame at 1 bar were presented. The experimental data from IMFT was measured during the ERC advanced grant . The differences between the codes, as well as the particularities of the test rig, led to interesting discussions amongst the participants. SCIROCCO
29.02: The capacity of CFD codes to compute first the 1 bar HYLON test rig was firstly addressed. Secondly, the high pressure KAUST-HYLON was presented. This test rig aims to approach the higher pressure operating conditions to be expected in future hydrogen-based aero-engines. There were intense discussions between CFD experts and experimentalists, both from industry and academia.
As we reflect on the insights garnered during the event, at STFS we are reminded of the collective enthusiasm and dedication driving innovation in the aviation sector. Our aim is to contribute to a better understanding of hydrogen-air combustion processes with our expertise in flamelet-manifold approaches. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to propel progress and foster collaboration in this dynamic field.
Thanks to the organization commitee: T. Poinsot, T. Schuller, M. Vilespy, T. Riou, K. Chaplet, M. Chen, D. Guleryuz, M. Durand. The workshop materials can be accessed in this . site