Programming Tools for Scientific Computing


The tutorial Programming Tools for Scientific Computing (formerly Efficient Software Development and Automation on Linux/Unix) offers an introduction to the tools needed for working with and further developing scientific software. In the first part, students will learn how to work on Linux systems, how to apply the most common command line tools, and how to use version control. The second part of the tutorial is about writing, compiling, and testing C++ code. Students will learn to write and compile basic C++ programs, e.g., to solve simple differential equations, incorporating external libraries, and how to automate the compilation and testing process. Upon completion of the tutorial, students will be ready to build, use, and extend scientific software.


TuCan Tutorial Efficient Software Development and Automation on Linux/Unix
Veranstaltung Master 4CP – Tutorium
Turnus Sommersemester
Dozent Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hasse
Prüfungsform Sommersemester: Einreichung eines Programmierprojekts und eines Berichts (theoretischer Hintergrund + Dokumentation des Projekts)
Sprache englisch
Format Tutorium – Eine Woche jeden Vormittag in Präsenz + Hausaufgaben (Anfang des Semesters), danach 4 Wochen selbstständige Projektarbeit mit Sprechstunde
Voraussetzungen Kenntnisse in einer Programmiersprache werden dringend empfohlen, die Studierenden müssen einen Laptop zur Verfügung haben