Master’s programme
Aerospace Engineering (M.Sc.)

Do you already have a bachelor's degree in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering? Why stop there!

Our department offers the possibility to complete a master's degree in aerospace engineering with self-selected, wide-ranging specialisation options.

  • 120 CP in 4 semesters, which corresponds to a 2 years standard period of study
  • Wide range of electives (62-68 CP)
  • Possible with or without specialisation
  • A look beyond the horizon in the General Studies (6-12 CP)
  • Research and application-oriented projects
  • Insight into the practical application of knowledge: lecturers and cooperation professorships from the industry
  • Optional 12-week project internship
  • 6-month master's thesis
  • A variety of opportunities to study abroad

The aerospace industry is a steadily growing field and thus an extremely important and decisive global economic factor. Aerospace science and technology drives innovation in a multitude of disciplines and thus must be regarded as a pioneering technology field. The Technical University of Darmstadt focuses its long-standing expertise in this field in order to establish a dedicated modern Aerospace Engineering education in the framework of a master‘s degree programme. Due to its international and global character and relevance, this master‘s degree programme is offered in English by internationally renowned aerospace engineering experts.

The master‘s degree programme „Aerospace Engineering“ sees itself as the link between engineering tradition and the technological future. Consequently, the curriculum touches on important and essential basics as well as modern and forward-looking technological aspects of aerospace engineering sciences in order to teach prospective students skills in the establishment of engineering system solutions. To prepare students for the science orientated master’s thesis at the end of their studies, a broad range of courses are offered: from traditional basics (e.g. structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, flight mechanics) and applied disciplines to innovative and modern teaching forms such as face2face tutorials in very small groups.

Our Online Self Assessment allows you to check on your perception of the study program and its content. Feel free to try it!

Your Study Plan

The master’s degree programme in Aerospace Engineering is designed as a four-semester programme. In the first three semesters, courses and projects are completed, the fourth semester is devoted solely to the master's thesis.

In four different subject-specific elective areas, you will tailor your studies to your interests in aerospace engineering by choosing the modules that are mainly related to aerospace engineering.

Elective Area I

In the “Elective Area Ia – Fundamentals” three modules are waiting for you:

  • Machine dynamics (taught in German!)
  • Sustainable systems design
  • Transport phenomena

In the “Elective Area Ib – Digitalisation” you can also decide whether you want to take just one or more of the three modules:

  • Digitalisation in production (taught in German!)
  • Machine learning applications
  • Smart Products, Engineering & Services

Elective Area II

In the 60 core courses from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, our research groups offer you a wide variety of basic subjects as well as method-determining and application-oriented courses. A minimum of 24 CP have to be chosen from the Aerospace Engineering Core Electives.

Elective Area III

You can deepen and broaden your knowledge even further with any of the approximately 100 electives that are offered in the field of natural and engineering sciences. The involvement of lecturers from the industry also ensures practical relevance. Here, a minimum of 12 CP have to be chosen from the Aerospace Engineering Electives.

General Studies

The elective area “General Studies” gives you the opportunity to think outside the box and choose offers from non-technical subject areas. The offers range from law and economics, human sciences, social and historical sciences to language courses. You can find more detailed information about the offers here.

Project Related Courses

In addition to the classic courses, there are various student-centered forms of teaching. This includes the practical (Aerospace-) Engineering Tutorial and two project courses. You can decide whether you want to register for two Advanced Design Projects, in which small groups work for several weeks on a contemporary research topic that might also be linked to an industry cooperation. The results are presented at the end. Alternatively, you can register for only one ADP and find yourself an additional External Project Work in the industry. At least one ADP has to be an Aerospace Engineering topic.

Institute of Gas Turbines and Aerospace Propulsion
Institute of Gas Turbines and Aerospace Propulsion

Goals of the programme

The academic objectives of the master's programme go significantly beyond those of the bachelor's programme in terms of both quantity and quality. Accordingly, after completing the master's programme you will have achieved the following profile:

  • You have the ability to expand the boundaries of the subject and to draw the connection between new and previous knowledge.
  • You have been introduced to the role of the creative designer, in which you work to create products, processes or methods for the aerospace industry that previously did not exist.
  • You are able to use scientific methods to translate practical aerospace problems into a research question for you to solve.
  • You are able to critically question statements on your subject and to confidently present your own point of view to a review board and laypersons.
  • You have the skills to present the results of scientific work in a precise and understandable way, both orally and in writing.
  • You are able to approach complex problems taking into account the relevant technological, economic and ecological criteria while also keeping in mind their substantial relevance to safety.
  • You can work together with members of other disciplines, as befits an international discipline like aerospace, take on problems and recognise which scientific solutions are going to be most effective.
  • You are able to illustrate the challenges and consequences of engineering for society and can take responsibility for innovation in cutting-edge technologies and an ever-changing field of technology.
  • You understand the business implications of your newly created products, processes or methods and demonstrate entrepreneurial thinking.
  • You are capable of engaging with the relevant aspects of a global market, which in the aerospace sector are even more interculturally influenced than in other sectors.
  • You set yourself demanding, but realistic goals, implement them within a reasonable period of time, and reflect on the results and the way in which they were achieved.
  • You apply the classical competencies of mechanical engineering (domain-specific knowledge) and methods of digitalisation, such as machine learning in the fields of fundamentals, products and production, in a useful combination when programming.
  • You have the skills to face new and challenging technologies, such as additive manufacturing or fibre composite technology, and developing new, innovative and sophisticated products in this context.
  • You are able to better the complex structures and systems of aerospace engineering in a suitable way, carry out appropriate modelling and use suitable methods of analysis to design, simulate, optimise and verify as well as document their respective results.

Further information

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the TU Darmstadt has a long-standing expertise in the field of Aerospace Engineering and has set itself the goal of offering the broadest possible, general and in depth education in this specific field that allows for independent research and is thus fully qualifying for a later dissertation.

In addition to the close supervision of the students by the professors of the department, the course offers a large number of project works on research questions in the aerospace sector, which has a strong presence in the Rhine-Main area and in which the department is very well networked.

The admission requirement for the master’s course is a qualified completion of the bachelor’s course “Maschinenbau – Sustainable Engineering” at the TU Darmstadt. A special admission procedure is carried out for applicants with a different bachelor's degree.

Information about the examination regulations, the module handbooks or the admission procedure can be found using the links below.

Mit dem Masterstudiengang Aerospace Engineering führt der Fachbereich Maschinenbau an der TU Darmstadt, seine lange Lehr- und Forschungstätigkeit im Bereich der Luft- und Raumfahrt fort.

Der viersemestrig angelegten Studiengang verknüpft Grundlagenforschung und -lehre mit der Arbeit an aktuellen Forschungsfragen und Lösungsansetzten aus dem Bereich der Luft- und Raumfahrt.

Neben einer großen Wahlfreiheit in den Wahlpflichbereichen (mit Fokus auf Module aus dem Themenbereich Luft- und Raumfahrt), werden vielfältige Projektkurse und Tutorien angeboten, die oftmals mit Partnern aus der Luft und Raumfahrtindustrie durchgeführt werden. Hierbei ist von Vorteil, dass der Fachbereich in diesem Sektor stark vernetzt und das Rhein-Main-Gebiet von jeher eine starker Standort in diesem Bereich ist.

Da der Luft- und Raumfahrt-Sektor ein höchst internationales Umfeld darstellt, ist die Unterrichtssprache in den Modulen des Studiengangs, bis auf wenige Ausnahmen, Englisch.


Zulassungsvoraussetzung zum Masterstudiengang Aerospace Engineering ist der Abschluss eines Studiums, das sich in den erworbenen Kenntnissen, Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten nicht wesentlich von dem Bachelorstudiengang “Maschinenbau – Sustainable Engineering” der TU Darmstadt unterscheidet.

Zusätzlich ist der Nachweis von Englischkenntnissen auf dem Niveau von C1 (GER) notwendig.


  • Breitgefächerte Wahlbereiche (62 – 68 CP)
  • Wahlpflichtbereich Digitalisierung
  • Forschungs- und anwendungsbezogene Projektarbeiten
  • Einblick in die Praxis: Lehrbeauftragte und Kooperationsprofessuren aus der Industrie
  • Ein Blick über den Tellerrand im Studium Generale (6 – 12 CP)
  • Möglichkeit einer externen Projektarbeit in der Industrie (6 CP)
  • 6-monatige Master-Thesis
  • Vielfältige Möglichkeiten im Ausland zu studieren
  • Englischsprachig