Studium Generale

A look beyond the horizon

The "Studium Generale" (= General Studies) gives you the opportunity to take subjects from other disciplines and to have them accredited to your studies. So why not just take a look at some economics, discuss psychology with other students, or even learn a new language.

General Studies

It is only possible to choose modules that are approved by the MechCenter.

For the master's programme “Maschinenbau” and "Aerospace Engineering, you need 6 to 12 Credit Points for this elective area.

General requirements for modules / courses to be acknowledged

  • The module does not concentrate on natural science nor on engineering.
  • The lecturer has a lectureship at the TU Darmstadt and is not a member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  • It is possible to take the exam of the module by itself (not only as part of a larger module) and is modelled accordingly in TUCaN.
  • It is mandatory to register for the module and for the exam – if possible in TUCaN or otherwise in the MechCenter. Please pay attention to register the exams for “General Studies” (Studium Generale) and not for “Extracurricular Options” (Zusätzliche Leistungen).
  • Recognition of modules already examined or graded papers taken in the master's programme from a previous course of study which qualifies for a master's programme are excluded (pursuant to §16 (5), APB 5. Novelle).
  • For the Master Maschinenbau – Mechanical and Process Engineering, it must also be a graded module.

Overview: Approved modules

You can find an overview of the possible courses in the Studium Generale for your degree programme in the corresponding download section .

Approved and modelled modules of the Departments 01, 02, and 03 can be found in the “Studium Generale” area in TUCaN.. This according lists for your study programme give you an overview of the possible modules:

Master Maschinenbau (opens in new tab)

Master Aerospace Engineering (opens in new tab)

The attendance of modules that are not listed in the Studium Generale area must be approved. Please note that the form “Anerkennung von Modulen anderer Fachbereiche im Bereich Studium Generale” must be received by the MechCenter no later than two weeks after the start of lectures. Please check C) for further information.

Placement test

Please note that for most language courses a placement test must be taken in advance. These often take place before lectures begin!

Language courses

  • Chosen language courses may be acknowledged for the General Studies area, if the course has been recommended to you by the Language Resource Center according to the result of your Placement Test. The successful participation has to be confirmed by a (graded) examination.
  • German as a Foreign Language may only be acknowledged for the General Studies area from an UNICERT IV level onwards for the Bachelor and Master Mechanical Engineering Study Programme. (Details. (opens in new tab) ) For the Aerospace Engineering Master, all German courses that you find in TUCaN are eligible.
  • Please note, that for the Master Aerospace Engineering, there is only a limited number of English courses (opens in new tab) that are allowed for the General Studies area.


  • Take the Placement Test at the Language Resource Center if necessary for your chosen course (online; click here for dates and more information or ask for help at the Language Resource Center if necessary).
  • Register for the course and the exam.
  • Take a subject examination – proof that the recommended course has been passed.
  • Please note: Many language courses require attendance in order to be admitted to the final examination. Failure to comply with the obligation to attend may also lead to failing the language course. Please ask the lecturer of your desired language course about this.

It is possible to choose further modules for the General Studies if you get an according approval from the Dean of Studies. Several offers of the iSPs fulfil the general requirements (see above) and do not focus on the natural sciences nor on engineering. You can find more information on the iSPs here.


  • The courses / modules have to fulfill the above mentioned “general requirements”.
  • The offering department needs to agree first.
  • You need the permission of the Dean of Studies of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.


  • Please submit the request form (opens in new tab) up to two weeks after the start of the lecture.
  • Required information: module and course number; Title of the course / the module / the lecturer; attachment: the printed module description of the according module handbook.
  • Please hand in the completed and signed request form at the MechCenter.
  • You will be registered for the module after the authorisation.