
Communication as the key to success

The "We" in "We engineer future" is particularly important to us and communication is central to this. Therefore, we have created a Communication-Code for you here.

Before writing and sending an email enquiry, check what information is accessible to clarify your questions via websites, via Moodle and by using a search engine. Important websites are:

  • State your request in the subject line.
  • Formulate the email as clearly and precisely as possible.
  • Formulate the email as extensively as necessary and as concisely as possible, even for detailed requests.
  • Ask for an appointment if necessary.
  • State your full name – first name and surname.
  • State your matriculation number, if applicable.
  • State the name of your degree programme (Bachelor or Master + name of degree programme).

Guide to email communication

Use the email address or alternatively a “reputable” email address that allows clear conclusions to be drawn to your person.

  1. Salutation
    (e.g. Dear…)
    • Name of academic title
      (Dr. / Professor*in as official title)
  2. Clear and precise formulation of the request/question
  3. Grammar, spelling and punctuation
  4. Concluding formula
    (e.g. Yours sincerely and your first and last name)
  • We will process your email as quickly as possible.
  • Please avoid questions about the processing status within the first three days.
  • Please only write to one person at a time. If several people are contacted at the same time or shortly after each other, it is possible that several people will process your request at the same time, which can further increase the processing time of emails.
  • In case of queries, you are expected to respond within a reasonable time. If this is not possible, send a short message that you will take care of the matter as soon as possible and resume contact.
  • The TU Darmstadt attaches great importance to a respectful and non-discriminatory culture and communication. You can find more information here. Have you experienced discrimination and need help? Feel free to contact us. We will help you.
  • In direct, personal communication with members of the TU Darmstadt (fellow students, staff and teachers) as well as people outside the TU Darmstadt, we also expect respectful and appreciative behaviour. The recommendations presented here should also be applied to personal communication.