Bild: Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum DarmstadtBild: Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum Darmstadt
Einführung: Mit Industrie 4.0 zur papierlosen Fabrik
Die Diskussion um die Digitalisierung von Prozessen und Vernetzung von Produktionsmaschinen ist in vollem Gange. Allerdings sind die dabei verwendeten Begrifflichkeiten selten leicht verständlich. In dem Workshop geben wir Ihnen daher eine Einführung in die Vision Industrie 4.0 und zeigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in unserer papierlosen Lernfabrik sowie daraus entstehende Vorteile – beispielsweise durch die Verfügbarkeit von Produktionsinformationen sowie deren dynamische Anpassung.
Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum: Workshop in Dortmund at 17.02.2020
Picture: Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum DarmstadtPicture: Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum Darmstadt
Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum: Workshop in Dortmund at 17.02.2020
HiWi wanted
The Department of Data Processing in Design in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the TU Darmstadt deals with the topic of process theory and product creation in the lecture Networked Product Creation Processes. In this area we are looking for a student assistant starting in February.
Picture: ArepronPicture: Arepron
Student assistant wanted!
We are looking for you for our transfer project ArePron agile resource-efficient production network:
You are a student at the TU Darmstadt in the field of mechanical engineering or related fields (Wi, CE, etc.) and would like to work on exciting topics of digitization and resource efficiency outside of university teaching?
Bild: DiK - TU DarmstadtBild: DiK - TU Darmstadt
Maschinenbau – Christbaumspitze
Weihnachtsstimmung auch im Maschinenbau. Dank Rapidprototypingverfahren lassen sich kreative Ideen in kurzer Zeit Umsetzen.
Picture: Mittelstand 4.0, Kompetenzzentrum DarmstadtPicture: Mittelstand 4.0, Kompetenzzentrum Darmstadt
Workshop on 17.12.19
With Industry 4.0 to the paperless factory
The discussion about digitizing processes and networking production machines is in full swing. However, the terms used are rarely easy to understand. In the workshop we will therefore give you an introduction to Vision Industry 4.0 and show you possible applications in our paperless learning factory as well as the resulting advantages – for example through the availability of production information and its dynamic adaptation.
Picture: KTmfk\B. GerschützPicture: KTmfk\B. Gerschütz
Assistant meeting of the Virtual Product Development Group (VPE) from 05. and 06. November 2019
On 05 and 06 November 2019 the assistant meeting of the Virtual Product Development (VPE) group of WiGeP took place in Erlangen.
Picture: DiKPicture: DiK
MiT4.0 @ Mittelstand-Digital Kongress
Digitisation, networked economising and artificial intelligence (AI) have also arrived as key topics in medium-sized companies. But how is the SME sector positioned for the digital future? What role do trust and curiosity play in this? And what can art and creativity contribute to the design of digital innovations?
Picture: TESConf 2019Picture: TESConf 2019
DiK @ TESConf 2019
The 8th International Conference on Through-Life Engineering Services (TES) took place in Cleveland, Ohio, USA between 27th and 29th October. The DiK was represented by Mr. Vladimir Kutscher, who presented the research results of the project “Software-Factory 4.0”.
Bild: FSR - TU DarmstadtBild: FSR - TU Darmstadt
Space @ TU Darmstadt Raumfahrkolloquium
Am 19.11.2019 findet der erste Vortrag der Space@TU Darmstadt-Reihe mit dem Titel „Space Factory 4.0, Satellitenproduktion im Weltraum“ – DiK statt.
Bild: FG DiKBild: FG DiK
Bilateraler Austausch mit dem Kompetenzzentrum Ilmenau
Im Rahmen des Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Darmstadt findet ein intensiver bilateraler Austausch mit dem Kompetenzzentrum Illmenau.
Picture: SCPM - UNIMEPPicture: SCPM - UNIMEP
BRAGECRIM – Workshop on Smart Connected Manufacturing
On October 9, 2019, the Brazilian-German Collaborative Research Initiative on Smart Connected Manufacturing (BRAGECRIM) held its tenth anniversary workshop in Piracicaba, Brazil.
Presentation at the German Aerospace Congress in Darmstadt
On October the 2nd, Prof. Anderl and Mr. Weber Martins held a presentation at the German Aerospace Congress in Darmstadt. The title of the presentation was “Space Factory 4.0 – How industry 4.0 approaches can advance future in-orbit platforms for the robotic assembly of highly modular satellites”.
The Global ADP is starting soon
This international ADP takes place annually with intercultural students from Germany, China, USA and Mexico and imparts experience regarding global cooperation as well as essential CAx process chains on the basis of a mobility concept.