Video: Produktvisualisierung durch Augmented Reality
Umsetzungsprojekt mit der Linie M GmbH
Start of ReOptify
In January 2021, the transfer project “ReOptify – Resource optimization along the product lifecycle”
Wie ein echter Spielplatz
Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum entwickelt Augmented-Reality-System
Das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum der TU Darmstadt und das Bauunternehmen Linie M haben eine neue Augmented Reality-Anwendung entwickelt. Damit können Spielplätze virtuell in 3D begutachtet werden, bevor sie gebaut werden.
CAD Freeform
Start of registration
Registration for the CAD Freeform Tutorial starts today. Please pay attention to the notes.
Picture: DiKPicture: DiK
Lectures during the winter semester 2020/21
Online Lectures
In the course of the coronavirus, all courses take place through online teaching.
Picture: TU-Darmstadt, FG: DiKPicture: TU-Darmstadt, FG: DiK
Approval oft he DLR/BMWi project „AI-In-Orbit-Factory“
„Will AI become the new key technology in autonomous space applications? That is exactly what we think! AI methods will enable highly automated production systems that will vastly exceed the flexibility and precision of classical approaches, thus becoming a decisive success factor in international competition. “
Picture: DiKPicture: DiK
ADP IDEEA – Final presentation
At this year's IDEEA Annual Forum in the form of a digital event, about 150 representatives from industry and science as well as students took the opportunity of a scientific dialogue.
DiK awarded for best paper at the IEEE EDUCON Conference
The DiK showed a strong presence at the internationally renowned IEEE EDUCON Conference.
Video: Artificial intelligence in additive manufacturing
Within the Mittelstand 4.0 – Kompetenzzentrum Darmstadt, a new AI demonstrator for additive manufacturing was developed at the DiK department.
Picture: Kompetenzzentrum HamburgPicture: Kompetenzzentrum Hamburg
New business models through smart products
Webinar – Cooperation with Competence Center Hamburg
Your company has not yet arrived at Industry 4.0 in terms of new business models? Our workshop will help you take the step towards the fourth industrial revolution: We will teach you a procedure for developing new business models and enable you to conduct the Industry 4.0 workshop independently in your own company.
Video: Process Optimization – Reduction of Media Breaks and Information Losses
Implementation project with Solidtec GmbH
“Over the years we have always invested in new machines, but not in our processes and procedures”, says Martin Jünemann, assistant to the management of Solidtec GmbH. That is different now. The SME 4.0 Competence Center Darmstadt has completed a project together with the Rapid Tooling company from Dieburg. The goal: Process optimization. The processes and procedures at Solidtec are now more precise, more efficient, better.
Picture: Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum DarmstadtPicture: Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum Darmstadt
Corona als Chance für strategische Geschäftsmodellanpassungen
Webinar in Kooperation mit Kompetenzzentrum Kaiserslautern
Picture: DiKPicture: DiK
Lectures during the summer semester 2020
Online Lectures
In the course of the coronavirus, all courses take place through online teaching.
Bild: DiKBild: DiK
Unterstützung der lokalen Kliniken und Altersheime im Kampf gegen Corona
Das Fachgebiet Datenverarbeitung in der Konstruktion (DiK) engagiert sich in der Corona-Krise mit der Fertigung von Vollgesichtsmasken für lokale Altersheime und Krankenhäuser.
PC pools closed
The PC rooms of the IiM in the GPZ (L1|10) are closed by order of the dean until further notice