In January 2021, the transfer project “ReOptify – Resource optimization along the product lifecycle” started. The project, approved and funded by the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing as well as by European funds (EFRE), is being carried out in cooperation with the Department of “Materials Management and Resource Economics” (SuR) and the Institute for “Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools” (PTW).
The aim of the project, which will run until the end of 2021, is to increase resource efficiency. Within the framework of the successfully completed transfer project ArePron – Agile resource-efficient production network – further focal points were identified that are suitable for closer examination and intensive knowledge transfer. A more in-depth scientific investigation will enable a closer look at and expansion of the topic of resource efficiency in production networks as well as the presentation of important findings for future knowledge transfer. Three topics have emerged as particularly relevant for a deeper consideration. The project executing agency is the WIBank – The Development Bank in Hesse.
- A first work package is the expansion of the production network to include new machines and new product variants. A real-time value stream management system will be used to display and manage production information of the product variants.
- In the second work package, the supply of compressed air will be investigated with regard to resource efficiency potentials and the formation of key figures. The findings obtained are to be made available as user-oriented recommendations for action and communicated to the target group, especially SMEs.
- In the third work package, the aim is to link development data with production data in order to draw conclusions about resource efficiency from this link and to be able to derive measures for a possible increase.
The knowledge gained in the project is to be made available to companies through publications and a scientific exchange as well as through integration into the training curricula of the participating disciplines. Furthermore, an industry advisory board supports the transfer of research results into practice.